Sway Your Audience - Digital Newsletter Development 101

Microsoft introduced Sway as a preview on Halloween 2014 and officially launched it for general release in 2015. In simple terms, Sway provides an innovative way to present your ideas, thoughts, and even results. Think of Sway as PowerPoint on steroids! Whether you want to promote your company, product or project to an audience of ten or thousands, this session can provide the foundation on how to do that using Sway. Tips, techniques and some real world examples will be presented so that you can leave the session ready to create and broadcast your own Sway newsletter! Are you ready to Sway?

Microsoft MTC
5 Wayside Rd
Burlington, MA


Christine Geluk

Christine Geluk

Christine Geluk is the principal & founder of Librarian At Your Service LLC which she founded in July 2015 after serving internal clients for a multinational pharmaceutical company. Her first exposure to the Microsoft family of products was when she migrated the corporate library site to using SharePoint 2010 Foundation. Since then, Chrissy has continued to leverage the Microsoft 365 product family like Teams, SharePoint and the Power Platform for both her clients and family. Chrissy earned her undergraduate degree in mathematics from Fordham, and her graduate degree in information science from Simmons.