O365 Information Management vs. Actual People (a case study smackdown)
Drawing from his experiences with (yuck) humans, Seth will identify common challenges and suggest some approaches for succeeding with collaborative content management in O365 (despite its seeming reluctance). Approaching information in a nontechnical way, Seth will talk about the components that make information findable, sharable, and usable, and then address the day-to-day operations needed to keep those components current and thriving. Extra attention will be given to stewardship, that necessarily human approach to ensuring quality and alignment with the business and other users, and to metrics, that necessarily non-human approach to quantifying the current state for communications purposes. And a light bulb joke.

Seth Maislin
Seth Maislin has dedicated more than 20 years toward providing sustainable information management solutions to organizations looking to maximize their insight in complex and dynamic content environments. An admired consultant and instructor, he has effected measurable business change in retail, insurance, healthcare, publishing, finance, and technology vertical by maximizing the flow and synthesis of data, content, and knowledge. He is a Principal Consultant at Earley Information Science.