We arm our customers with an industry-leading platform that is built to protect the world’s most valuable and most vulnerable data. Varonis starts at the heart – with data – so our customers are prepared to defend their data against attacks from inside and out. Our platform eliminates repetitive, manual clean-up projects and automates manual data protection routines, so we bring security and cost-savings together – maybe for the first time in cybersecurity history.
Data continues to grow. More breaches are expected. The world is hybrid, and the cloud complicates data protection. Executive boards have gotten the message and drive action. New regulations provide more pressure. There’s never been a better time for technology that protects data first, not last.
Moderna Therapeutics started with the premise that scientific innovation is the key to rapid success in developing its new cutting-edge scientific technology, messenger RNA, as a drug. Challenge – how does IT enable business transformation? Response - IT needs to innovate, too. How can we put together a cohesive, agile, flexible and comprehensive solution to support innovation, collaboration, productivity tools and mobility while maintaining security of our intellectual property? And don’t forget to do it fast, at “Moderna speed.”